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The Importance of First Aid Training and CPR Certification for Childcare Providers

The Importance of First Aid Training and CPR Certification for Childcare Providers

At OC Safety, we believe safety is important in every arena of life and work – whether it’s working in a welding shop, performing maintenance 30 stories up, or even taking care of children. In fact, safety plays a vital role in the latter – and too many childcare providers don’t have the proper certifications and trainings to be prepared for situations that could arise. For this blog, we’re going to talk about the importance of First Aid & CPR training for childcare providers.

A Necessary Part of the Curriculum

Whether you’re the neighborhood babysitter, an elementary school teacher, or a daycare supervisor, the importance of OSHA compliant safety training can’t be stressed enough. Children require specific skills that go beyond the traditional techniques of CPR – and when the time comes, there’s no room for guesswork. 

As a professional childcare provider, parents and guardians trust you with the lives of their children. They look to you to keep their child safe – both from minor paper cuts and in the case of an emergency. Children are naturally curious, and while this is a great trait for building their knowledge base, it can also put them in dangerous situations, which makes emergencies more likely.

Thankfully, gaining the skills and knowledge you need to save lives is easy. All of our First Aid, CPR, BLS, and ACLS classes are comprehensive and fully compliant to OSHA standards. All it takes is one day – and who knows how many lives you’ll save.

Contact Your First Aid Training Specialists

Have more questions about our classes or proper safety practices? We’re always happy to help. Feel free to reach out to us at our contact page with any questions you have. We can’t wait to hear from you, and we look forward to seeing you back at this blog for more information and tips on making your life and workplace safer!

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