Should you have inquiries, contact us 714-960-1911

Keeping Safe During The Holidays

At OC Safety, we want to give you the skills to be safe and keep others safe throughout the year. This is especially applicable during the holidays when you are gathered with larger groups of friends and family, have inclement weather, and adhere to different work or personal schedules due to holiday activities. Our safety specialists want to ensure that you are equipped with the necessary tools and skills to make any situation safe, whether that is refreshing yourself with one of our CPR or first aid training classes or taking a safe and relaxing holiday with family. Please contact our safety team for information about our upcoming classes or to ask any questions about keeping safe during the holidays.

Dress Appropriately

This holiday season, you may be staying at home or going to a new destination for a vacation. OC Safety always wants you and your family to dress appropriately for your surroundings. For example, if you are going to a ski-snow destination, please dress in layers to protect yourself from the cold, ensuring that all of your skin is covered and you are not leaving any skin exposed to frostbite. Similarly, if you are headed to a beach destination, remember to wear protective clothing for the sun and sunscreen. During the winter months, your skin is more sensitive to the sun and can burn easier, keep this in mind while at the beach.

Sport Safety

During the holidays it is common to get together with friends and family for different activities, especially sports. This is a great way to stay fit, but it can also be a great way to get hurt. At OC Safety, we want to remind you to stay safe while playing sports. This means wearing all the necessary protective gear (i.e. pads, mouthguards, floats for swimming), do not play under the influence of alcohol, and if an injury does occur, seek medical help immediately if it seems severe. We want you to have fun this holiday season, but we want you to be safe while doing it!

Stay Hydrated

Being hydrated is important throughout the year, whether you are participating in sports, in the sun, or just sitting at your desk. During the holidays, many people often forget to drink water and can easily become dehydrated. This is especially important when drinking any type of alcoholic beverage. Our OC Safety specialists recommend continually drinking water throughout the day based on your body size and activity level. Staying hydrated is essential for young children and elderly people too.

Concerned? Ask Questions!

Throughout the holidays, many places may have limited office hours and you may think someone is unreachable, but this is not the case for clinics, hospitals, and other types of care. If you have a question about something that has happened to yourself or another person, do not hesitate to contact your local doctor or hospital for help. Many people delay calling in emergency situations because they do not want to ruin a special dinner or change their holiday plans. OC Safety wants you to put safety first, especially during the holidays so that you and your loved ones can enjoy time together safely.

Contact OC Safety For CPR Training & First Aid Classes!

For questions or concerns about the upcoming holiday season, please never hesitate to ask the OC Safety team. If you are interested in a CPR class or first aid training, contact our office to schedule your next course. We can’t wait to see you and teach you life-saving techniques!

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